Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Pumpkin Day!

What a fun weekend!
It was filled with silly costumes, friends, & FOOTBALL!

 Friday night we went to a "P" party and you were to dress in anything that started with a P obvi.
I was a "Pimp/Pretty gangsta /K-Parade Grand Marshall/ J-Pink Bunny/ M-Priest/ M-Pirate
We were cute and we had a lot of fun seeing the other creative costumes.

Saturday night D and I were MINIONS from Despicable Me.
Gosh I hope you have seen that adorable movie.

The Fairmont Fam on Saturday night

I got my stunna shades on

Tara: GO ASU!!! (Danielle: Go CU) She didn't want anyone to know. haha silly girl.

What are you gonna be for Halloween??

Happy Trick or Treating.....


Enjoy the little kiddos & eat lotsssss of candy!


Tara Ashley

Friday, October 28, 2011

{Linky Love}

Today these lovely ladies are hosting the first ever {FOLLOWER FEST}!!
I'm so excited about this BIG linky party! There are so many amazingly beautiful and talented women out there and I'm so excited to get to know them, learn from them, and be inspired by them.

I also wanted to share with you that I hit my FIRST BLOG GOAL!!
I have officially posted everyday (except the weekends of course) ;) for a whole month to date!!
That's huge for me. YAY for New BLOGS!

If you are visiting from the Follower Fest please leave a comment and say hello...I can't wait to meet you and visit your blog.




Tara Ashley
It's HERE!! The last day of the 10 day challenge....I DID IT! (applause) 
Here it goes.

Day 10: Ten Secrets

1. I don't wash my hair everyday

2. Sometimes I eat Oreos for dinner

3. I usually speed

4. I sing really loud in the car when I'm by myself

5. I hadn't been to the dentist in 6+ years until a couple weeks ago & now I have a big bill

6. When I go to bed I say a prayer and then play out the morning process in my head for the next day

7. My nails and toenails always have to be puuurrdy!

8. I only shave my legs once a week if the pilots not around

9. I regret not going to ASU right after high school

10. Sometimes I feel insecure when people ask me what I do for a living.


I'm very thankful this challenge is over!

Lets take some time for


Tara Ashley

Thursday, October 27, 2011

10 Day Challenge: Day 9

Day 9: Nine Loves

It's a great day here in beautiful ARIZONA, the weather is just wonderful
The coffee my roomie made me this morning was delish, along with the pumpkin bagel that totally hit the spot.


1. Junior Mints
Or any other type of DARK CHOCOLATE I can get my hands on.

2. Makeup!!

I blame my new addiction on Birdie

Seriously I could do it all day everyday.

4. Dressing up it cute outfits
Even though I have no fashion sense...but it's getting better

5. Decorating.
It's what I wish I could do everyday!

6. Babies
Just as long as it's not my own....for now ;)

Her outfit is sooo cute.

7. My Family

Yes, this picture is old...but I just love my long hair


Ahhhh he's sooo funny!

9. Country Music

This song is sooo sweet. I hope that someday My hubby thinks this of me.
*Don't mind the CSI video montage LOL

Well, that's all folks.
See ya tomorrow.


Tara Ashley

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10 Day Challenge: Day 8

Day 8: Eight Fears

1. Losing someone close to me

2. Drowning

3. Being without Shayne

4. Being in a bad accident

5. Not finishing school

6. Disappointing those I love

7. My house catching on fire in the middle of the night
(What would you grab and take with you? It's what I always ask myself.)

8. Divorce


Alrighty on a lighter note...

Here are some really funny pictures I found on this site called Laughter is good for the Soul
Some may be a little crude, so you may need to have an open mind, but just know it's all in good fun.


Happy Hump Day Y'all


Tara Ashley

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

10 Day Challenge: Day 7

Day 7: Seven Wants

1. Flowerbomb
Viktor & Rolf Parfum

It smells like least I think so.

2. IPhone 4S

I've been waiting FOR-EVER to get a new phone and an iphone at that and now Sprint has them and I just so happen to be eligible for an upgrade...AWESSSOMMMEE!
Was that a run on sentence? Yep, who cares.

3. A new Compy since mine is D-E-A-D. It also needs to have a cute penguin like the one below
& I'm sure my mommy wants hers back since I've been borrowing it to have Skype dates
 with Shaynold

4. To win the lottery so I can buy all these items and pay off debt...BLEH!

You can't win if you don't play

5. For all those I love to be in the same place at once.

5. A new watch

6. A p-coat!

And red is sooooo my color! LOL

CAUTION....The last one is mushy

7. For my boyfriend to come home so we can lay in bed and fall asleep in each others arms everynight!

Or maybe just have pillow fights instead.


Tara Ashley

Monday, October 24, 2011

10 Day Challenge: Day 6

oh, hello Monday...lets do this!

Day 6: Six Places

1. KOREA! Duh!
Where half my heart resides. I miss my Pilot EVERY.SINGLE.DAY!

54 days. I am so thankful that time seems to be passing at a somewhat fast pace.

2. Colorado!
Where my sissy face Corey is...

I'll be there very soon to visit! And meet my other mom!

Where my sisterrrrrrr Conny & very best friend Kris live!

I can't wait to see your beautiful country

4. California!
Some say it's the best state in the whole USA...& maybe they are right ;)

But that's only because they have THE BEST TACOS!!
 It's especially not because they have beaches, or Land of Disney or that place with all the roller coasters or TWO AWESOME FAMILIES I LOVE!!!
Nope, it couldn't be that at all

This makes me so hungry...MMMM!!

5. New York
I want to visit so bad.

I want to see our Lady of Liberty standing in the harbour and take a moment to remember all those that have fought for this crazy, beautiful country we call the US of A!

Last but not least

6. Arizona
It may be hot & it may be brown, but it's HOME regardless of where I go.

My family is here and that is everything to me.


Tara Ashley