Friday, October 7, 2011

{Heart} to {Heart} Friday-Take 1

Last night as I was driving home from work there was the most beautiful sunset and the weather was beyond perfect!!


In that moment, I was reminded

I am thankful for those moments, that make you realize how beautiful this life really is.
I wish I could remember it more often than I do, but I think this sudden weather change here in AZ was a blessing that came at the right time for us all.

And this morning when I got in my car this song came on making my day once again

Let us not forget those we love and the moments that make everything all worth it!

Today, I want you to do something nice for someone. It doesn't have to be big, it could simply be sharing a smile or holding the door for someone behind you.
Any act of kindness or service that gets you out of your comfort zone is what I want you to do!!


Tara Ashley

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