Monday, October 24, 2011

10 Day Challenge: Day 6

oh, hello Monday...lets do this!

Day 6: Six Places

1. KOREA! Duh!
Where half my heart resides. I miss my Pilot EVERY.SINGLE.DAY!

54 days. I am so thankful that time seems to be passing at a somewhat fast pace.

2. Colorado!
Where my sissy face Corey is...

I'll be there very soon to visit! And meet my other mom!

Where my sisterrrrrrr Conny & very best friend Kris live!

I can't wait to see your beautiful country

4. California!
Some say it's the best state in the whole USA...& maybe they are right ;)

But that's only because they have THE BEST TACOS!!
 It's especially not because they have beaches, or Land of Disney or that place with all the roller coasters or TWO AWESOME FAMILIES I LOVE!!!
Nope, it couldn't be that at all

This makes me so hungry...MMMM!!

5. New York
I want to visit so bad.

I want to see our Lady of Liberty standing in the harbour and take a moment to remember all those that have fought for this crazy, beautiful country we call the US of A!

Last but not least

6. Arizona
It may be hot & it may be brown, but it's HOME regardless of where I go.

My family is here and that is everything to me.


Tara Ashley

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Oh my goodness, those tacos look Ah-mazing!! And I'm right there with you on wanting to visit New York! I can't wait…One day :)

Happy Tuesday, friend!