Friday, October 28, 2011

It's HERE!! The last day of the 10 day challenge....I DID IT! (applause) 
Here it goes.

Day 10: Ten Secrets

1. I don't wash my hair everyday

2. Sometimes I eat Oreos for dinner

3. I usually speed

4. I sing really loud in the car when I'm by myself

5. I hadn't been to the dentist in 6+ years until a couple weeks ago & now I have a big bill

6. When I go to bed I say a prayer and then play out the morning process in my head for the next day

7. My nails and toenails always have to be puuurrdy!

8. I only shave my legs once a week if the pilots not around

9. I regret not going to ASU right after high school

10. Sometimes I feel insecure when people ask me what I do for a living.


I'm very thankful this challenge is over!

Lets take some time for


Tara Ashley


Nicole [The Lovely Poppy] said...

happy halloween- i'm stopping by from follower fest and would love for you to stop by and check out the huge giveaway going on at my place- xoxo nicole

Digger said...

Hello! I found your blog through the Follower Fest going on at Casey's. I'm now a follower of your blog too. Those were hilarious!!

Digger ~xoxo~

Chelsea said...

I tried doing this challenge a couple months ago and think I only got to Day Two. Oops! I've been meaning to go back and finish. Hopefully I will :) Mmm Oreos for dinner!! Yum :)